All Hallows Eve ( Scottish Style)

When I was young in a baby boondocks in Scotland, Halloween was a appropriate night for all youngsters. We would be attractive advanced to this bewitched night for weeks before. In Scotland,the accouchement who were activity out to "Trick or Treat" had a Bigger assignment than those in North America.

We had to accept a "Party Piece" accessible to accomplish at anniversary abode that we went to, this would be a dance, a song, a allotment of poetry or some Added anatomy of art that we were able of absent up! aback the aborigine would accessible the door, we would be arrive inside, and there, in the active room, we would face our admirers accessible to criticize our performance. My knees would be animadversion so adamantine I was abiding anybody could apprehend them and apprehension that that ability get by as my "act" for the night, but not so.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

I was a hopeless accompanist and could not bethink any poetry so I had to dance. As the apartment in best houses were actual small, and I am actual tall, this was no beggarly feat.I decided, as I was dressed as a "Black Watch soldier" with my able compatible of a kilt and sporran,I should ball the "Highland Fling".

This best accepted to be a disaster!!! I started off able-bodied abundant but afresh I absent my balance, tripped on the carpeting and fell on my face. I could apprehend the amusement all about me which Added to my embarrassment, I aloof capital to die!!!

As to my audience, they aloof capital to see if I had any underwear below my kilt (an act that abounding to this day still practice!) I stood on my feet, mustered as abundant address as I could and held
out my duke for my "sweet" reward. This adversity was not afresh at Added houses, as I absitively I would pretend that I had a abscessed throat, and could not accomplish at all.

We had a lot of fun in those days, one could access the abode of a drifter and not be abashed that we would never be apparent again. We animated up a lot of aged people's lives as they would not commonly accept abounding visitors, alike from family, so they looked advanced to "All Hallows Eve" with as abundant apprehension as we did. These day's are gone now, we all alive in such abhorrence of our neighbours, not alive who they absolutely are. Not dupe our accouchement to be out on their own, to bless this holiday.

When I allocution to my accouchement about the "good old days" they attending at me with a contemptuous beam on their face, but we, as children, had the abandon that today's generation, aloof don't have. So are we affective advanced in this world, and aloof area are we activity to end up? As the apple has got abate through travel, our fears accept got Bigger as our neighbourhoods get diversified. I lived on a street, aback I was young, area I knew anybody and I could airing bottomward that artery alive no fear, of man nor beast, I acquainted defended and safe. Now we are about prisoners in our homes, aflutter for our children's safety, their lives so threatened at every turn. OH! to go aback to those "Good Old Days".

All Hallows Eve ( Scottish Style)

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