Kazi Nazrul Islam - The National Poet of Bangladesh : A Profile Study

Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899 - 1976) : He is accustomed as Bidrohi Kobi - The insubordinate artist of Bengal, The civic artist of Bangladesh, and added absolutely a apple Poet.

Nazrul said, "Even admitting I was built-in in this country (Bengal), in this society, I don't accord to aloof this country, this society. I accord to the world." [Nazrul Rochonaboli, Bangla Academy, Vol. 4, p. 91]

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

He was a actual able poet, artist and biographer who composed abounding admirable verses of poems, prose, songs and classical music.

Nazrul was accustomed as the 'Rebel' artist in Bengali abstruse and the 'Bulbul' or Nightingale of Bengali music, was one of the best colourful personalities of absorbed Bengal. He may be advised a avant-garde of post-Tagore change in Bengali poetry. The new affectionate of poetry that he wrote fabricated accessible the actualization of change in Bengali poetry during the 1920s and 1930s. His poems, songs, novels, abbreviate stories, plays and political activities bidding able beef adjoin assorted forms of abuse - slavery, communalism, bullwork and colonialism - and affected the British government not alone to ban abounding of his books but additionally to put him in prison. While in prison, Kazi Nazrul lslam already fasted for 40 canicule to beef adjoin the absolutism of the again British government.

Kazi Nazrul Islam was built-in on May 24, 1899 in Churulia village, Bardhawan in West Bengal, India. His mother was Zaheda Khatun and his ancestor Kazi Fakir Ahmed was the Imaam of the belted apple mosque. The additional of three sons and one daughter, Nazrul absent his ancestor in 1908 aback he was alone 9 years old and his ancestor died at the age of 60. Nazrul's appellation was "Dukhu Mia" (hapless chap), a name that appropriately reflects the hardships and ache of his activity appropriate from the aboriginal years. His father's abortive afterlife affected him, at the age of 10, to become the Muazzin (a addition for prayer) of the belted mosque. This aboriginal acknowledgment to the attempt and practices of Islam was to accept a cogent appulse on his afterwards arcane endeavors.

In 1910, at the age of 11, Nazrul alternate to his apprentice activity enrolling in chic VI. The Headmaster of the academy remembers him in the afterward words: "He was a small, attractive boy, consistently the aboriginal to accost me. I acclimated to smile at him and pat him on the back. He was actual shy."

Again, banking difficulties accountable him to leave academy afterwards chic VI, and Dukhu Mia concluded up as a baker in a bakery and tea-shop in Asansole.

In his youth, Nazrul abutting a folk-opera accumulation aggressive by his uncle Bazle Karim who himself was acclaimed for basic songs in Arabic, Persian and Urdu. As a affiliate of this folk-opera group, the young Nazrul was not alone a performer, but began basic poems and songs himself. Nazrul's captivation with the accumulation was an important determinative access in his arcane career.

Nazrul submitted to the adamantine activity with appropriate courage. In 1914, Nazrul able from the rigours of the tea-shop to re-enter a academy in Darirampur village, Trishal in Mymensingh district. Although Nazrul had to change schools two or three times, he managed to abide up to chic X, and in 1917 he abutting the Indian Army aback boys of his age were alive advancing for the class pre-test examination.

For about three years, up to March-April 1920, Nazrul served in the army and was answer to the rank of Battalion Quarter Master Havildar. alike as a soldier, he connected his arcane and agreeable activities, publishing his aboriginal allotment 'The Autobiography of a Delinquent" (Saogat, May 1919) and his aboriginal poem, "Freedom" in Bangiya Musalman. Sahitya-patrika, (July 1919), during his announcement at Karachi cantonment. What is arresting is that alike aback he was in Karachi, he subscribed consistently to the arch abreast arcane periodicals that were arise from Calcutta like, Prabasi, Bharatbarsha, Bharati, Saogat and others.

When afterwards the 1st apple War in 1920, the 49th Bengal Regiment was disbanded, Nazrul alternate to Calcutta to activate his journalistic and arcane life. His poems, essays and novels began to arise consistently in a cardinal of periodicals and aural a year he became able-bodied accustomed not alone to the arresting Muslim intellectuals of the time, but was additionally accustomed by the Hindu arcane enactment in Calcutta. In 1921, Nazrul went to Santiniketan to accommodated Rabindranath Tagore - his master-poet, the antecedent of his inspiration...

The aforementioned year, Nazrul was affianced to be affiliated to the adulation of his activity - Nargis, the niece of a acclaimed Muslim administrator Ali Akbar Khan, in Daulatpur, Comilla, but on the day of the bells (18th June, 1921) Nazrul aback backed out at the aftermost moment, and larboard the abode due to some austere misunderstandings and disagreements. However, abounding songs and poems acknowledge the abysmal anguish that this acquaintance inflicted on the young Nazrul and his abiding adulation for Nargis.

In 1922, Nazrul arise a aggregate of abbreviate belief Byathar Dan (The Gift of Sorrow), an anthology of poems Agnibeena, an anthology of essays Yugabani, and a Bi-weekly magazine, Dhumketu. A political composition arise in Dhumketu in September 1922, led to a badge arrest on the magazine's office, a ban on his anthology Yugabani, and one year's accurate imprisonment for the artist himself.

On April 14, 1923, aback Nazrul lslam was transferred from the Alipore bastille to the Hooghly jail, he began a fast to beef the abusage by a British jail-superintendent. Immediately, Rabindranath Tagore, who had committed his agreeable play, Basanta, to Nazrul, beatific a buzzer saying: "Give up ache strike, our abstruse claims you", but the buzzer was beatific aback to the sender with the brand "addressee not found."

Nazrul bankrupt his fast added than a ages afterwards and was eventually appear from bastille in December 1923. On 25th April 1924, Kazi Nazrul lslam affiliated a Hindu woman Pramila Devi and set up his abode in Hooghly. An anthology of poems 'Bisher Banshi' and an anthology of songs 'Bhangar Gan' were arise afterwards this year and both volumes were bedeviled by the government. Nazrul anon became Actively complex in backroom (1925), abutting rallies and meetings, and became a affiliate of the Bengal Provincial Congress Committee. He additionally played an alive role in the accumulation of a workers and peasants party.

In 1926, Nazrul went and acclimatized in Krishnanagar. His affectionate and nationalistic songs advertisement in ambit to clear the aspirations of the abject classes. His music became absolutely people-oriented in its appeal. Several songs composed in 1926 and 1927 adulatory fraternity amid the Hindus and Muslims and the attempt of the masses, gave acceleration to what may be alleged "mass music". Nazrul's agreeable adroitness accustomed him not alone as an autonomous artisan of "mass music", but additionally as the innovator of the Bengali Ghazal.

The two forms, music for the masses and ghazal, exemplified the two aspects of the alive poet: attempt and love. Nazrul injected a abating adulthood and boyhood into Bengali music. admitting illness, abjection and added hardships, Nazrul wrote and composed some of his best songs during his Krishnanagar stay.

From 1928 to 1932, Nazrul became anon complex with His Master's Voice Gramophone Company as a lyricist, artisan and trainer, and abounding annal of Nazrul songs, articulate by some of the best acclaimed singers of the time were produced. The anew accustomed Indian Broadcasting Company additionally enlisted Nazrul as a artist and artisan and he remained Actively complex with several gramophone companies and the Radio till his aftermost alive days. Nazrul songs were in abundant appeal on the date as well. He not alone wrote songs for his own plays, but abundantly provided lyrics and set them to tune for a cardinal of acclaimed dramatists of the time.

In 1929, a colourful civic accession was accorded to Nazrul in Calcutta and was abounding by arresting bodies like the scientist Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray, Barrister S. Wajid Ali and Subashchandra Bose.

In the bosom of these advantageous activities, tragedy addled alert in accelerated succession: first, Nazrul's mother died in 1928; a year later, his 4 year old son Bulbul died of baby pox, bristles months afterwards the bearing of his additional son Shabyashachi.

Between 1928 and 1935, Nazrul arise 10 volumes of songs absolute over 800 songs of which added than 600 were based on classical ragas, about 100 were folk tunes and kirtans and some 30 were affectionate and added songs. appropriately during the 1930s, Nazrul accustomed a close classical foundation in Bengali Music. His songs dealt with the capacity of love, nature, divinity and nationalism

In 1936, the blur Vidyapati was produced based on Nazrul's recorded play. In the aforementioned year, Rabindranath Tagore's atypical Gora was filmed with Nazrul as its music administrator and included one of his own songs. In June 1936, Sachin Sengupta's important play, Siraj-ud-daulah was staged. The songs and music were accounting and directed by Nazrul. The comedy and songs met with such aberrant success that a gramophone recording was made, and at that time was frequently heard in about every Bengali household.

In October 1939, Nazrul's accord with Calcutta Radio was formalized, and abundant agreeable programs were anon advertisement beneath his supervision. Worth advertence are the analytical and analysis aggressive programs such as "Haramoni" and "Navaraga-malika".

During 1939, altered recording companies issued a absolute of over 1000 records, 1648 of which were Nazrul's songs. The absolute cardinal of his accepted songs is conceivably alert as much. Nazrul's songs were additionally advertisement from Dhaka Radio. This trend connected throughout 1941, with songs based on abounding altered ragas and anecdotal ballads. Apart from these, Nazrul occasionally took allotment in address and annotation of the Holy Ouran.

In aboriginal 1941, Sher-e-Bangla Fazlul Huq commenced re-publication of the circadian bi-weekly Nabayuga ("New Age"). Nazrul was its Chief Editor abiding to the apple of journalism at the final date of his alive life. On August 8th 1941, Rabindranath Tagore died. Nazrul spontaneously composed two poems in Tagore's memory, of which one was advertisement and recorded on gramophone. aural a year, Nazrul himself fell actively ill and gradually absent his ability of speech, actuality stricken by bookish palsy. Thereafter from July 1942 till his afterlife in August 1976, the artist spent 34 years in aphasiac blackout clumsy to allege alike a distinct word.

In October 1942, brainy dysfunction set in and Nazrul was accepted to Lumbini Park brainy Hospital in Calcutta, but there was no advance in his brainy action and he began accident his memory. By then, admitting accepting becoming abundant sums through his music, he had additionally spent foolishly and was in banking difficulties. abounding of his old accompany angry abroad in this aphotic hour, and he became more embittered, as apparent in this letter to a acquaintance Zulfikar Haider on July 17, 1942 :

...I am bed-ridden due to claret pressure. I am autograph with abundant difficulty. My home is abounding with worries: illness, debt, creditors; day and night I am struggling.

...My fretfulness are shattered. For the aftermost six months, I acclimated to appointment Mr. Haque (A. K. Fazlul Haque, the again Chief Minister of absorbed Bengal) circadian and absorb 5-6 hours like a beggar...I am clumsy to accept affection medical help...

This ability be my aftermost letter to you. With alone abundant difficulty, I can absolute a few words. I am in affliction about all over my body. I ability get money like the artist Firdausi on the day of the burial adoration (janajar namaz).

However, I accept asked my ancestors to debris that money.



Source: Dr. Sushilkumar Gupta, Nazrul Choritmanosh (Calcutta: De's Publishing, 1960), p. 106]

Nazrul entered a apple of accretion isolation, admitting still admired by Bengalis. In 1945, Calcutta University awarded him the "Jagattarini Gold medal". In 1952, he was transferred to the Ranchi brainy Hospital from area he was beatific to London for analysis at the action of the "Nazrul analysis Society" Formed and financed by some of his agog Admirers aback they came to apperceive of his banking hardships.

Several eminent physicians in London including Sir William Sargent, were of the assessment that his antecedent analysis had been bare and incomplete. Thereafter, Nazrul was taken to Vienna area his action was diagnosed as incurable. He and his ancestors alternate to India in December 1953. He spent the blow of his activity in absolute misery.

Earlier his wife, Pramila Devi, had become ill in 1939 and admitting paralysed from the waist down, she spent the abutting 23 years of her life, caring for her bedmate until her afterlife at the age of 54 on 30th June, 1962. As per her aftermost wish, she was active at her husband's birthplace, Churulia. Nazrul's sons, Aniruddha died in 1974 at the age of 43, and Shabyashachi in 1979 at the age of 50.

In 1962, Nazrul was awarded the 'Padmabhushan' Title by the Govt. of India. In 1969, Rabindra Bharati University accustomed him D. Lit Degree. In Nazrul's opinion, the accomplished acceptance he anytime admired was aback his master-poet, the afflatus of his life, Rabindranath Tagore committed his "Bashanto" opera to Nazrul, adage that Nazrul had ushered in Bashanto (Spring) in the activity of the Nation, appropriately acquainted him as a admirable poet.

When in complete health, Nazrul had beforehand appear to Dhaka in December 1940 to appear the 1st ceremony of the Dhaka radio station. In 1971, the Government in banishment of Bangladesh connected to pay the alimony due to him by the Government of East Pakistan. afterwards the liberation of Bangladesh, at the appeal of the Bangladesh Government, the Government of India accustomed Nazrul to be taken for residing in Bangladesh with his family.

Nazrul accustomed on 24 May 1972, as bedfellow of the Government of Bangladesh and was accorded due honours. The President and Prime Minister paid their admiration to him. In 1974, the Dhaka University awarded him the amount of Doctorate of Literature. In 1976, the Government awarded him the "Ekushey Padak" Gold Medal.

On 22 July 1975, Nazrul was transferred to the Post Graduate Hospital for connected medical supervision. He spent the actual one year, one ages and eight canicule of his activity there. Towards the end of August 1976, his action deteriorated, his temperature attempt up to over 105 degrees, and on 29 August 1976, he breathed his aftermost at 10:10 a.m.

As anon as Nazrul's afterlife was advertisement over Radio and T.V. the account advance like agrarian blaze and plunged the Bengali nation in abstruse gloom. activity came to a standstill in Dhaka as bags of men and women lined up to accept a aftermost glimpse of the insubordinate poet's bitter charcoal in the Teacher-Students' Centre of the University of Dhaka.

At 5 p.m. on the aforementioned day, Kazi Nazrul Islam was active with abounding accompaniment honour beside the Dhaka University mosque. Now about three decades afterwards his death, Kazi Nazrul Islam resides in the hearts of millions of Bangladeshis as their civic poet.

Emerging from the all-embracing Backwardness of the Muslims of Bengal in the 1920s, Nazrul injected the association with a much-needed faculty of self-confidence. about distinct handedly, Nazrul brought about a renaissance amidst Bengali Muslims, and led them into modernity. The ability of Nazrul accomplished the absurd and the Bengali nation charcoal consistently accountable to him.

Bangladesh honoured itself by honouring Kazi Nazrul Islam with the citizenship of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Now, the apple over, Nazrul is accustomed as the civic artist of Bangladesh.

By the time he anesthetized abroad in Dhaka on August 29, 1976 -- accepting spent 34 years in diplegic affliction - he had become a legend, the archetype of a religious affection that was not belted by abstruse definitions, but authentic itself in the acts of devotion, affinity and creativity. He was the insubordinate Poet. His humanistic vision, aesthetics and spirit transcended abounding accepted boundaries. He was additionally a actual down-to-earth, maatir-manush, his advice so simple and aboveboard that could be accepted by the masses.

In those canicule of India's attempt for Independence and absorbed Bengal, Nazrul consistently believed in the backbone of Hindu-Muslim Unity. actuality a Muslim, he himself affiliated a Hindu Woman, Pramila Devi, and additionally wrote angelic songs - Shyama Sangeet - committed to the Hindu Goddess - Ma Kali. He deserves to be accustomed as a actual able poet, artist and writer. He was a mass-oriented, revolutionary, arcane figure, consistently agitation adjoin bigotry, injustice, extremism, fanaticism, exploitation, abuse and asperity of all kinds. He was a adventurous and audacious Activist consistently feared by the establishment. He was a amorous apostle of religious accord consistently advocating bigger hindu-muslim relationships. Through his songs and poetry, he broadcast the accepted ethics of love, peace, tolerance, freedom, justice, accord and cooperation. As a persona, he had an dogged animal spirit and was abounding of love, valour, creativity, altruism and romanticism. He was actual warm-hearted and admiring and could accurate his animosity in the best admirable way through his writings.

Kazi Nazrul Islam - The National Poet of Bangladesh : A Profile Study

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