An Analysis of ' Rhapsody on a Windy Night ' From TS Eliot's Prufrock and Other Observations

T.S. Eliot is admired as an acutely important modernist writer. He inaugurated a ambit of anecdotal and stylistic techniques which a acclimatized to ample access over in addition with literature. This commodity explores the composition ' Rhapsody on a Windy Night ', Eliot's from Prufrock and fans added Observations, apperception primarily on the abstraction of time and how it abstracts in the poem.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

An Analysis of ' Rhapsody on a Windy Night ' From TS Eliot's Prufrock and Other Observations

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Robert Burns-Burns Night

Despite his adverse annihilation at a young age of 37 alone, Robert Burns ' accumulating of poetry and songs has animated him to the position of actuality Scotland's civic bard. His assignment had the adeptness to back the adumbration of alternative and ability.quad core for both the accepted man as able-bodied as for the Scots themselves that Burns a fabricated arcane hero-a bard.

Born January 25, 1759, the son of a tenant-farming family, Robert Burns was accomplished able-bodied and was able-bodied read. During his boyish years and through aboriginal manhood, Burns to formed on farms and it is during these years that he determinative Developed some of the passions that remained with him and were with bidding through his works. Putting the aeon into a amusing ambience willadvice to see how some of these passions were fuelled by what Burns could see about him.

This was an age of revolution. The additional bisected of the eighteenth aeon gave on acceleration.there to two of the best extensive amusing contest in avant-garde history. Firstly, the American revolutions (1775), followed by those in France (1789). The closing allotment of Burn's activity additionally saw the heralding of the Industrial anarchy and although he died of the afore anybody abroad does accumulation departure countryside to the growing city's factories was some way off, it was imminent. As a adverse with appear this ' Scottish ' Or movement there was a advance with appear romanticising rural activity and its communities-the old agrarian Scotland. In deed, Burns ' bequest is one of the ' ploughman poet ' anangel that he was blessed to advance and portray his assignment with appear axis by advancing the new establishment. His works adulatory the countryside-The Cotter's ' Saturday Night ' and ' The Twa Dugs ' area he took the ancillary of addressee are farmers, attestation to this.

There were fans added able armament to which Burns additionally angry his attention. Firstly, the kirk, or church; the abbey remained a force in Scottish able association and Burns ' amusing ballad was the best back he was advancing it and its ministers. He aimed his decidedly annotation at the Calvinist preachers with their ' fire and brimstone ' access to preaching. This had the affect of galvanising adjoin them about him and bound he became of the article with criticism in their sermons which was responded to by Burns with alikeaboriginal fans added verses. ' Holy ' Willie's Prayer is the best of this archetype.

As already seen, we accept Burns-and the Scots of his time we alive up to the realisation that their artlessly agrarian affairs was casual and had the apparent Crushing of the Rebellion and the Jocobite tragedy in the Highlands. Burns and his aeon aloft the alertness of the accessible Jocobites and Highland traditions and there grew a assiduity the ache's homepage for tales of the Adventures promise of the rebels and fans added characters associated with these casual times. The song ' Charlie, he's My Darling ' is about Bonny Prince Charlie (the Young Pretender) and would be the best able-bodied remembered.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

Although Burn's had acclaim he had little affluence to go with it and it was the charge to abutment and his wifeancestors that affected him to become an customs administrator-allotment of the enactment he had agilely attacked--a position he captivated until his death. This adverse attitude was not absent article on Burns and during this time he wrote the composition ' The De'ils Awa ' Wi ' The Exciseman '.

Burns ' abiding bequest is that of best man and accepted to the best to Scotland. ' Auld Lang Syne ' is an canticle to alliance and although it is acerb associated with ushering in a New Year it has a fans added context. His reputation as the acceptation of his poetry and fans added works is absolutely all-embracing and will be acclaimed globally this January 25th at Burns Night celebrations anywhere there is an ex-pats Scottish presence.

Robert Burns-Burns Night

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Arna Bontemps's readings of poems by Sterling Brown, Langston Hughes, and Claude McKay highlight this compilation. Chosen for their ability to engage and entertain children, the selections are drawn from Bontemps's well-known book, Golden Slippers (Harpers). These are kind and gentle poems. —AudioFile and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

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Roses Are Red Ribbon Week Poetry

Lead the best affair to do for Red Ribbon anniversary is to accept the acceptance accomplish their own poetry. Using the old Roses are red, violets are dejected composition is accessible for the acceptance to accomplish their own up to rhyme. Below are some examples.Please use.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I won't anytime booty drugs, How about you?

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

Roses are red, the Night is black, I won't booty drugs, Cause I'm smarter than that.

Roses are red, green, Trees and B are "backwoods" demography lots of drugs could accomplish me absolute no.

Roses are red, white bedding are addition offers me drugs, I'd say that is aloof not right.

Roses are red some brown bears are demography, drugs any time my parents would accomplish absolutely to frown.

Use all thecolors, gray, yellow, gold, silver, hot pink, khaki, lime, clear, appealing pink, striped, camouflage, rust, peach, cream, beginning aqua, red, tan, purple, violet, red white and blue, black, red, blue, sky blue fleet, plaid ablaze. Then some of the acceptance will go to the appropriate acquisition concordance and others.

Others like aquamarine, azure, beige, chocolate, coral, crimson, salmon brick, a turquoise, fuchsia, honey dew, indigo, an ivory, lavender chiffon, auto, cyan, magenta, maroon, linen, rose, moccasin, Peru, sienna, with teal, thistle, and abounding others.

If they absolutely would like to see the blush they could go on band and in the chase box and address html blush names it will booty "to a will appearance the armpit that adolescent the absolutecolor.

After aggravating article simple Roses are Red like the composition accept them try some fans added forms of poetry. The ones that best acceptance are accustomed with or are accomplished in elementary academy is haiku, limericks, and argot twisters.

Have the acceptance testing fans added styles of poetry like haiku. Haiku Poetry is an unrhymed Japanese verse. Seventeen syllables in all, three unrhymed curve of five and seven syllables, bristles. It is usually accounting in the present tense. It is accounted that the 5/7/5 aphorism was fabricated for the launch of the accouchement to accept and apprentice this blazon of poetry. Although this usually is anecdotic seasons it've acclimated in able-bodied works with after effects-anecdotic the demography of drugs.Or does it able-bodied to call things to do besides drugs.

A bewilderment argot, also would be fun. acceptance adulation to do because argot twisters are can be asinine and do not accept to accomplish a lot of sense. Alliterations could be accomplished at this time because that is what argot twisters are. argot Twisters are fabricated up of curve that are adamantine to say fast. The composition should tie your argot into had.

Another blazon of poetry that they try the ability.quad core with the affair of drugs is a limerick. A composition is a composition of bristles rhymed amusing lines. The arrangement is a balladry-a-b-b-a.

Roses Are Red Ribbon Week Poetry

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Who is Willie Lynch?

I have given my students an assignment about who Willie Lynch is and what he had done to the society to gain popularity. And I thought to make a research myself.

William (Willie) Lynch, a British slave owner in the West Indies, and came to United States to advise American slave owners how to keep their slaves restrained, according to the essay in Brother Man: The Odyssey of Black Men in America- an Anthology. Lynching or Lynch Law is actually attributed to him. Lynching initially referred to the hanging of the black man. The William Lynch Speech or letter is from an unknown origin which attracted widespread attention when it was scattered on the internet by 1990s. It was said to be addressed to an audience on the bank of the James River in Virginia in 1712 regarding the control of slaves in the colony. William Lynch was the speaker was summoned to Virginia in 1712, due to a few slave revolts in the area prior to his visit, and his dubious reputation of being an authoritative and strict slave owner. Believers in the substantiality of the William Lynch Speech called it mental slavery.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

Hatred among the slaves was a deep division in cognizance to skin color of the slaves; this was the cause of the Lynch's alleged method. Light-skinned blacks were priced better according to the conditions of slavery given to this doctrine. They were being allowed to do jobs that need power over the other slaves, and were usually assigned in the home of the slave master. While the dark-skinned slaves are bounded to the fields, performing back-breaking labors, and unlike the light-skinned, they cannot enjoy the luxury that the lighter-skinned slaves get. The executions of Lynch's divide and conquer method of control caused discontent among the slaves. The division between the house and the field slaves is historically erroneous, since slaves that are employed in plantation households were a subset of non-predial slaves, including craftsman such as the carpenters and masons, and were they are under a white supervision than those in the field.

Haitian Revolution led by a non-predial slave, Toussaint L'Ouverture, was on of the most successful slave revolts in history. Louis Farrakhan quotes Willie Lynch's alleged scheme posed as an impediment to the unity among the African Americans. The Willie Lynch Doctrine, a document that was distributed to the plantations owners and Politicians in the United States advocates them how to convert a man into a slave. This served as a foundation for the current self-destructive life lived by young men today. Causing your own fate and showing your children to do the same. False realities that you grab hold to and base your whole life is a never ending cycle. The doctrine used principles like brainwashing and mind control. The slave owners were actually instructed to use public persecution and indignity to create fear in the black society and demolish the male image in the mind of the black woman.

They were subjected to such persecution like being dragged by the horse with their legs tied, and then light him on fire, and being pulled into parts by a horse in front of his woman. Like today, the black community is still dragged in the same way that the Lynch's doctrine used to be, it shows how racism still exists. That's why black woman raises her sons to be physically strong and their daughters' mentally prepared. So as the time come they could defend themselves as the revolts had shown. For example, there are tendencies of authorities to treat minority suspects' summarily, bias in both conviction and sentencing. This also shows in the media's demonization of young black men and the conception of black criminality as it is discernable in cases of racial profiling are all faint messages that is very hard to see today. Like the African-American history, this will have not only an unjust but an everlasting detrimental consequence to the society.

A truly difficult time for everyone and it saddens me to think of what happened during their time.

Who is Willie Lynch?

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Acrostic Poems - 8 Top Topics For Acrostics

Acrostics are funtastic and help to concentrate on a topic in a wonderfully novel, personal and creative way. So super power your imagination and get your brain to love learning by using these flexible learning tools. Creating a piece of acrostic poetry is a highly effective method to really engage learners in the learning process. Acrostic poems consist of a composition of phrases whereby the initial letter spells out a particular word or phrase. An acrostic poem, therefore, might consist of four lines, the first beginning with the letter 'L', the second 'O', the third 'V' and the fourth 'E'. This would hopefully be an acrostic poem about some aspect of love. Beautiful poetry can be created in this way about any number of subjects.

The writing of acrostic poetry can be a marvelous learning exercise as students focus creatively on the nature of their theme. What might be an appropriate subject for the creation of acrostic poetry? Here are some suggestions:

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

1) An acrostic for a name: a student's own name or the name of a famous person: Mom, Grandma, Dad, Grandpa, Jesus, Shakespeare, Washington, Einstein, Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King. Acrostics for names make fantastic and emotional or amusing notes for birthdays and special occasions of people you love.

2) Acrostics for organizations: UN, NASA, Shell, McDonald's, BP, WalMart. Whether you want to make a political or promotional statement or just amuse your friends creating an acrostic using the letters of a company can be a great way to draw attention.

3) Acrostics for positive words: ace, adore, dynamic, energy, fizz, fresh, magic, munch, paradise, plum, soft, solar, spice, strong, tasty, trust, vital, zest, peace. A lovely way to give yourself a positivity boost is to generate a poem using a positive word as the basis- you'll be concentrating on this word as you make your poem and your brain will react accordingly: you will naturally become more positive as you create your poem.

4) An acrostic poem for a place of interest Eg Pyramids, Venice, New, York, London, Stonehenge, America, Europe, England, US, Sydney, Canada, Moon, stars, Pacific, Nile, Mississippi. An excellent method for synergising the important aspects of a place. As with all of these suggestions it might be interesting to consider the 5 W's who, what, where, when, and why; Who were the Aztecs? What occurred at Stonehenge? Where is the Mississippi? When is the moon brightest? Why were the Pyramids built?

5) Acrostics for beautiful things: flower, love, family, child, wife, husband, earth, sea, forest, pictures, stars, Internet, talk, sharing, snow. The stuff of wonderful poetry for hundreds of years!

6) An acrostic poem for actions: play, draw, sleep, jog, walk, want, try, succeed, help. To focus on what you hope to gain or the important characteristics of doing a particular thing an acrostic poem using the requisite verb as basis might be just the trick.

7) Acrostic poems for special times: Christmas, Mothers' Day, Easter, Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter, five a.m., evening.

8) Acrostic poems for feelings or ways of being: able, cheerful, courageous, confident, determined, delighted, eager, energetic, excited, joyful, playful. An effective form of therapy might be to explore your feelings relating to a particular sphere of emotion. Again the W's might come in handy: What makes you happy? Where are you most excited? When are you filled with joy?

All of these make highly engaging acrostic topics and no doubt you can imagine countless more; one reason acrostics are loved by poets, word fans, crossword hackers, puzzle lovers and students and teachers of all kinds. When you generate an acrostic poem you can make your theme clear, by emphasizing the initial letters which spell out the theme, or you might choose not to, being coy about your acrostic poem or perhaps sewing your hidden word or phrase into the second letter of each line. You may wish to use only one word per line: you might use a complete and beautifully constructed phrase, or even an entire paragraph.

Acrostic poetry can be formal or informal, many people take it very seriously: elements of poetry composition such as the use of iambic pentameters and so forth can be just as easily applied within the structure of an acrostic. Less formally some poets use the form for play and relaxation; many use it to produce personalized and loving messages. In part due to the flexible nature of acrostic poetry it is often chosen by teachers to introduce learners to the joys of writing whilst providing a practical, constraining structure; the skeleton, if you will, which students can flesh-out and create something delightful; or a creative monster! Kids of course, love generating acrostics and often do so with great panache.

Acrostic poetry has been generated for centuries to spell out religious messages and pieces of knowledge useful to know and meditate upon; it is even cited as relating to the origin of symbolizing Jesus Christ with an image of a fish. The reasoning behind this relates to story-telling: some structure to a story helps us to understand, remember, and recall and telling stories is one thing we humans are very talented at and have been for some time!

In sum Acrostics provide an excellent medium to think about and present a topic in a creative way. Acrostics can be applied to abstract concepts or otherwise, they can be usefully generated for names, organizations, positive words, places of interest, beautiful things in general, actions, special times (Christmas acrostics and Mothers' Day acrostics) Spring and Winter and of course to feelings. Acrostics can be used in acrostic puzzles and games and the generation of acrostics is a great creativity enabler and brain expander as well as being a hugely fun educational tool. For the acrostic poem-maker many enjoyable hours await!

Acrostic Poems - 8 Top Topics For Acrostics

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Poetry Examples of Odes - General Nature and Development of Ode Poems

Ode is an elaborated lyric poem praising or glorifying a person, or describing nature realistically rather than emotionally. Such odes were sung and performed to the tune of musical instruments. You'll learn in this article some classic and modern poetry examples of odds.

What Were the Classical Odes?

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

Going back to the time of the ancient Greeks, odes were generally classified into two broad categories; Choral odes and Pindar odes. Choral odes were normally sung by one person. Alcaeus, Sappho, Anaceon, and others dealt with this single-voice ode conception in their works.

Choral Odes:

The form of choral ode came into being partly because of the movement of the chorus in Greek drama. It has the structure of three part stanza;
1. the strophe
2. the antistrophe, and
3. the epode

Both the strophe and antistrophe have the similar metrical scheme whereas the epode has a different formation.

Pindar Odes:

Pindar is considered the greatest and most celebrated lyric poet of Greece. His work includes 45 victory odes celebrating the Olympian Games along with other festivals.

After Pindar, Roman poets Horace and Catullus tried their hands on this the single-voice Greek odes of Alcaeus and Sappho. Unlike Pindaric odes, their structure was simpler with more personal style. Their work was meant for declaiming rather than to be sung.

The Development of Modern Odes:

The initial English odes were the "Epithalamion" and the "Prothalamion", the marriage hymns, composed by Edmund Spenser. Other English writers of odes were Ben Jonson and Andrew Marvell, who adopted Horatian style whereas John Milton followed Pindaric style in "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity". Abraham Cowley gave special touch to this form.

After that, the revival of the ode occurred in the 18th century. The writers Alexander Pope and Dryden both wrote odes. William Collins is often considered one of the greatest lyric poets of the age, who wrote lovely nature odes for instance; "To Evening". During the Romantic period, P. B. Shelley composed "Ode to the West Wind", and John Keats composed one of the greatest "Ode on a Grecian Urn".

It was the Victorian time when the popularity of the ode form diminished but in the 20th century, it is revived by the American writer Allan Tate who wrote "Ode on the Confederate Dead".

Poetry Examples of Odes - General Nature and Development of Ode Poems

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Mexico's "Los Ninos Heroes" - Heroic Children

The Niños Heroes (Heroic Children) were six teenage military cadets who died defending Mexico at Mexico City's Chapultepec Castle (which was the Mexican army's military academy,) from invading forces from the the Battle of Chapultepec on September 13, 1847. Mexico has had many heroes through its long and eventful history but conceivably none have mesmerized the thoughts and stirred the hearts to the extent that Los Niños Heros have. These brave young men fought valiantly for their country during the Mexican-American War but sadly, they died defending México's honor.

These cadets ranged in age from 13 to 19 years of age. Their commanders ordered them to fall back but the cadets did not and instead they resisted the invaders until they were all dead. The six young men refused to relinquish their posts and bravely met the superior forces of the Americans.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

· The last survivor Juan Escuitia born in Tepic between 1828 and 1832 was a second lieutenant in an artillery company, and is said to have draped himself with the Mexican flag before jumping to his death to prevent it from being taken by the enemy.

· The other five were Juan de la Barrera, born in Mexico city in 1828 He was the son of an army general who enlisted at the age of 12 and died defending a gun battery at the entrance to the park. He was 19 and the oldest of the six.

· Francisco Marques, born in Guadalajara, Jalisco in 1834 and was the step son of an army cavalry captain. He applied to the Academy on January 14, 1847 and belonged to the first company of cadets. His bullet riddled body was found on the east flank of the hill. He was the youngest of the six;

· Agustin Melgar born in Chihuahua, Chihuahua between 1828 and 1832. He was the son of Esteban Melgar, a lieutenant colonel in the army and Maria de la Luz Sevilla, both of whom died while he was very young and he applied for the Academy on November 4, 1846. He was able to shoot and kill invaders before taking refuge behind some mattresses in one of the rooms but was mortally wounded.

· Fernando Montes de Oca born in Azcapotzalco, Mx., Mexico between 1828 and 1832 to Jose Maria Monted de Oca and Josefa Rodriguez. He applied to the Academy on January 24,01847 and was one of the cadets who remained in the castle. His personal record reads "Killed for his country on 13 September 1847";

· Vicente Suarezborn in 1882 in Puebla, Puebla and was the son of Miguel Suarez, a cavalry officer and Maria de la Luz Ortega. He applied for admission to the Academy on October 21, 1845 and was killed at his post in hand-to-hand combat.

They were buried in the grounds of Chapultepec Park in an undisclosed location and on September 27, 1952, they were re-interred at the monument top of the Heroic Cadets in Chapultepec.

This grand monument was raised in their honor, "Los Niños Heroes Monument," and stands proudly at the entrance to Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. This impressive monument was made of Carrara marble by architect Enrique Aragon and sculptor Erlesto Tamariz in 1952.

In 1947, President Harry S. Truman of the United States visited the "Los Niños Heroes" monument where there was a moment of reverential silence observed by the President as a sign of respect for the young boy cadets. When President Truman was asked why he stopped at the monument his response was, "I respect bravery wherever I see it."

Mexico's "Los Ninos Heroes" - Heroic Children

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Birthday Poems To Irritate Men

Over the years I seem to have amused and delighted many friends and colleagues by composing funny poems and writing them in their birthday cards. I have now decided to publish my anthology of wit, humour and downright rudeness for the world to enjoy!

These rhymes have proven to be particularly popular with women - demonstrating how cruel and heartless the 'gentler' sex can be to the men in their lives. They can be copied into birthday cards, Father's Day cards, Christmas cards, or simply cut and pasted onto an email ... in fact they can be used anytime someone you know needs cheering up - or bringing down a peg or two!

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

Many of the poems rely heavily on the shortcomings of we poor men; ie, drunkenness, uncontrolled flatulence, lecherousness, good old fashioned plain laziness, inability to master DIY, thinning hair, suspiciously thickening midriff etc, etc. Characteristics which I'm sure apply to some extent to all husbands, boyfriends and sons.

You will see that each poem contains a man's first name, but not as part of the rhyme. In other words, you can easily 'personalise' the rhyme by replacing the name with the name of the person you would like to send it to. (This works best if the names have the same number of syllables. For example, 'Bob' can be changed to John, Dave, Mick, Paul etc; 'Andy' can be changed to Simon, Roger, Alan etc).

For whatever reason you decide to send one, the poor unsuspecting fellow will receive a very amusing rhyme poking fun at some of his - shall we say - less romantic characteristics. A possible side effect is that he may also be impressed at your wit, humour and resourcefulness - but please don't expect him to admit to that. Here they are;


Ian doesn't much like it,

When you tell him he's losing his hair;

And he gets just a little bit grumpy,

When you point out his tyre is spare.

So be sensitive now it's his birthday,

And remember, the man's not bionic;

Sit him down in his chair, don't mention the hair

And pour him a large Gin and Tonic.


John likes booze and John likes women, He doesn't like running and he doesn't like swimming; He likes sitting down and he likes eating grub, He doesn't like work but he does like the pub.

Being John's Missus is a pain in the neck, When he dresses up smart, he still looks a wreck! He thinks posh restaurants and theatres are above him, But I suppose all these things are just reasons I love him!


There once was a young man called Laurence,

Who when urinating did so in torrents,

When asked, "Was it Venice

That inspired this menace?"

He replied, "No, I learnt it in Florence".


Matthew wants presents for his birthday, Matthew wants jewellery and cars, Matthew wants to go out to restaurants, And meet gorgeous women in bars.

Well I've got a present for Matthew, For this playboy who thinks he's so cool, It's what he got me for my birthday, Coincidentally that's B*GGER ALL!


Nigel is a gentleman, It isn't just a pose;

His shoes are always polished, And he never picks his nose.

He opens doors for ladies, And offers them his seat;

His nails are never dirty, And his hair is always neat.

But when it's Nigel's birthday, He loses all his class;

He has an awful lot to drink, And ends up on his a*se!


Peter when I look at you, I remember when you were twenty-two,

Your hair was thick, your wrinkles few, And you didn't spend so long in the loo!


Robert, on your birthday, I want you to relax;

Sit down and put your feet up, And I'll bring you drinks and snacks.

I'll do all the household chores, And put your clothes away;

In fact it won't be much different, To every other day!


Vince, Vince, what can the matter be, You're turning into Les Battersby,

It's your birthday on Saturday, So for crying out loud mate CHEER UP!


Alan you know I love you, You're really very sweet;

In fact I'd call you perfect If it wasn't for your feet!


Brian has a problem, He's older than before,

And now that it's his birthday, He feels a little sore.

But Brian shouldn't worry, Or mooch around the house,

Because what he lacks in youthfulness, He makes up for with nouse!


Charlie likes to have a drink, And he's often in a hurry;

But keep your distance in the morning, If he's been out for a curry!


David, Happy Birthday Love, I've kept you dressed and fed;

Now I ask just one thing of you - Please stop farting in bed!


Frank, your birthday's here again, So it's a good time just to sit

And wonder why for the rest of the year, You're such a miserable git!!


Eddie, now you're getting old, And your hair is going grey;

I have some words to say to you, On this your special day.

You're generous, wise, good-looking, kind, And all your jokes are funny;

But the greatest thing about you Dear, Is all your lovely money!


Gary always gets drunk on his birthday, Once he's started, he just cannot stop;

So he usually gets slung out the boozer, And comes home with sick down his top!


Harry's the perfect husband, For 364 days of the year,

But he does go astray on his birthday, By trying to drown in beer!


Tony's very good at doing jobs around the house,

When it comes to DIY you couldn't find a better spouse;

So I thought that for his birthday I would get him something good,

To help him with the patio or bevelling of wood.

Should it be a power drill, or something else by Bosch?

A Black and Decker sander or a Karcher power wash?

But in the end I thought, you shouldn't fix what isn't broken,

So I did the same as last year - bought a ten pound record token!


There once was a fella called Kevin,

For whom being in a pub was just heaven,

When offered a drink,

He didn't have to think,

He would say, "Not just one, I'll have seven"!


Today is Dennis's birthday, And he'll probably go out to play,

I remember last year he knocked back so much beer, He ended up on Crimewatch UK!


Simon likes to go out with his mates, Simon likes to take girls out on dates,

He likes fish and chips and he likes Man United, And Keira Knightley gets him really excited.

He'll go out on his birthday and paint the town red,

He'll drink the bar dry then take cod and chips to bed,

He'll lie there wishing that Manchester was nearer,

Then he'll drop off to sleep and dream about Keira.


Andy don't want no presents for his birthday, Andy don't want special grub;

Andy don't want no cards and kisses, He just wants to go to the pub!


Barry is a nuisance on his birthday to be honest, All the usual types of gifts he doesn't like at all;

If you haven't spent a fortune he'll thinks your present's modest, So this year I've decided that he's getting B*GGER ALL!


Elliot quite likes to party On his birthday, with friends far and wide;

But curiously the next morning, He just wants to curl up and hide!


Happy birthday Timothy, Go out and have some fun;

Keep up your reputation as A Lazy Drunken Bum!


There once was a young man called Chris,

Who was permanently out on the p*ss,

When his birthday came round,

He just stayed in his lounge,

And drank cocoa all night - oh what bliss!

Birthday Poems To Irritate Men

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Don Juan by Lord Byron - An Analysis of the First Canto

There is no exact definition of 'Romanticism'. However there are a range of themes, such as imagination and transcendence, the adoration of nature, the mysterious and the sublime, and the figure of the poet as an important individual that occur frequently in the literature of writers labeled Romantics. The Romantic era in poetry is generally thought to span from 1780 to 1830. Byron was born in 1788 and is considered a major poet of the Romantic period. Most critics consider Don Juan his masterpiece. This article analyzes a fragment from the first canto.

Such a weighty concept as Romanticism can never really be clearly defined, but we can come closer to comprehending some of its characteristics by looking at the structure, themes, and language used in poems of that era.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

Don Juan is an unfinished poem of mock epic proportions. The protagonist's formative years are presented in the first canto, chronicled in the third person by a cynically urbane narrator who adopts a detached and conversational tone, thus imbuing Juan's adventures with a world-weary irony.

A prevailing sense of disillusion is typical of the narrative voice employed. The language is erudite and witty, with many classical allusions - 'what person can be partial / To all those nauseous epigrams of Martial?' appearing to spill forth from the mouth of a worldly yet jaded aristocrat. The style is affectedly improvisatory, despite the use of high-flown vocabulary: 'intestate' in stanza 37 and 'illumined' in stanza 46, it would appear that Byron was striving for an effect of immediacy and directness: 'The Missal / too (it was the family Missal).'

Humour and irony are also important elements in Don Juan, and the poem's formal structure is specifically designed to accommodate them. Byron employs a sophisticated form known as ottava rima: an eight line stanza form with a rhyming scheme of ABABABCC. As well as facilitating the conversational mode, the use of ottava rima also allows him to build up a seemingly dramatic situation over the first six lines, only to have a shift in tone during the final couplet, frequently creating an effect of bathos, as evinced in the closing line of stanza 38, where it is imparted that Juan has learned 'how to scale a fortress - or a nunnery'.

The narrator is arguably a character in his own right, applying a unique voice that consists of a language and style that is all their own, no doubt quite dissimilar to that of the young Juan's. Such a division in the poem's architecture runs parallel to the relationship between story and plot. The former relates to the actual events which befall Juan, the latter is concerned with how these events manifest themselves, and how they are imparted by the narrator - a process known as focalization.

The late eighteenth-century was a time of massive social upheaval, with the French and American revolutions. Such cataclysmic events inevitably influenced writers of the age, regardless of their style. In his time Byron was the second most famous man in Europe after Napoleon.

Don Juan by Lord Byron - An Analysis of the First Canto

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Memorial Death Sayings

Memorial death sayings are appropriate to place in a funeral or memorial program as well as incorporate it into a short reading. They can be short thought provoking quotes or sayings about life and death that prompt the listener to reflect upon its words and meaning.

These types of saying can even be place on the tombstone of the deceased, if applicable but more often, people use them as short inclusions for the funeral or memorial programs, within a eulogy or memorial reading.

Anthology Of Poetry By Young Americans

One of the most popular memorial death sayings comes from the Bible's Old Testament in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. It talks about a time for all things in our world and eludes to different seasons in our life. There was even an old 70's song written about this verse called "Turn, Turn, Turn (to Everything there is a Season)" which was originally performed by The Byrds.

Emily Dickinson was an American poet and lived in the 19th century. She has written many memorial death sayings that are noteworthy for a memorial service. You may find many additional death sayings from a variety of resources such as Socrates to Chinese wisdom to Biblical verses.

An example of a memorial death saying would be a sentence such as "All of life is a dream walking, all of death is a going home" which is taken from a Chinese proverb. There are also quotes and other proverbs from the Bible, Budda, and Zen.

Memorial death sayings can indeed also be a proverb. What is a proverb? It is a short sentence based on long experience. Most express some basic truth or practical concept and are considered to be a short saying.

Sigmund Freud also noted a saying about death in that "The goal of all life is death." Often memorial sayings or quotes are found on cards or even magnetic keepsakes. They are meant to give the reader a sentence which is full of meaning and something one can meditate upon and try to understand on a deeper or more profound level.

Basically any quote that talks or relates about death or dying can be considered a memorial death saying. If it contains something inspirational for the reader then the saying has successfully driven its point.

Memorial Death Sayings

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